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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Creation Museum

We went to the Creation Museum in Kentucky today.  We all had a good day, although, as Jeffrey said, “Aubrey and I had our ups and downs.”  The whole museum is based on Genesis 1 through 11 (with a few references to the New Testament thrown in).  It is run by a ministry called “Answers in Genesis,” and designed to give logical, scientific, and biblical answers to the evolution debate in support of a literal 6 days of creation viewpoint (which I tend to support). They make a lot of good points, many of which I am still thinking about.  If nothing else, it is very well done; I haven’t been to many better natural history museums.  It may very likely lead to future postings. 

In the short term, let me summarize the 7 points the museum is based on. 
  1. Creation  (Gen Ch 1&2)
  2. Corruption  (Gen Ch 3&4)
  3. Catastrophe  (Gen Ch 5-10)
  4. Confusion  (Gen Ch 11)
  5. Christ  (4 Gospels)
  6. Cross  (4 Gospels & Romans)
  7. Consummation  (Revelation & other scriptures)

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