** Disclaimer ** The comments on this blog are solely the opinion of the person who made them. Any comments which I make are my opinion alone and do not necessarily reflect the official position of any organization with which I have been associated in the past, or with which I am currently associated.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

How do we glorify God?

Rick Warren says in The Purpose Driven Life that there are 5 ways that we reflect the glory of God:
  1. In our worship of God
  2. As we allow the spirit to transform us into someone who is like Christ
  3. As we love others
  4. As we serve others
  5. As we testify to others
If Warren is right, if this is primarily how we show God to the world around us, then I notice that God seems to have something in mind when he created us.
First, he expects us to acknowledge him and understand how we relate to him (i.e. realize and act in the knowledge of the fact that he is God, and we are not). That’s worship.
Second, we need to recognize that we currently are in a fallen state, and we have room to improve. As such, we must have a standard to measure our progress: Jesus Christ.

While I am by no means perfect, and I fall short on a more than daily basis, I have no problems with these first two things.

That brings us to one word: OTHERS. Here is where I have trouble. I am such an introvert (not shy, just not tuned in to other people) that to truly love, serve, and testify to others is not only hard for me, it is almost impossible. Over the next few days, I would like to take these one at a time.

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