** Disclaimer ** The comments on this blog are solely the opinion of the person who made them. Any comments which I make are my opinion alone and do not necessarily reflect the official position of any organization with which I have been associated in the past, or with which I am currently associated.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

reluctant reconciliation

So far in this blog, I mostly have posted on my personal theology; the things that the Lord has shown me that help me understand him a little better. Occasionally, I post a vague reference to some experience or personal trial, but so far I haven’t really revealed myself very much on this blog. I guess that’s about to change.

This morning I was reading about reconciling relationships with the people around us. I often gloss over these readings, because I honestly don’t feel like I carry too many grudges. However, Christ’s words in Matthew hit me today. He says that if you are worshiping, and recall that someone else has a grudge against you, you should cease your worship and go to the person to be reconciled (Matt 5:23-24).

This reminded me of a conversation that I had with a colleague as the school year was ending. We were discussing the potential promotion of an administrator, and I made a comment that this particular administrator did not like me. I don’t know the extent of the dislike, but I feel that the statement is accurate. I also realize that my own past actions and comments have probably helped fuel the situation. Because of this, I feel a need to go to the person, confess and apologize for my past actions.

Now, I realize that in the above verses Christ uses the word “brothers”, which in modern times, we generally think of as referring to the relationship between two Christians. To my knowledge, this particular person is not a Christian, but I still feel I need to apologize and attempt to reconcile the relationship. Needless to say, I am very nervous (even frightened) about how the person will respond, but all the same, here I go.


  1. Well, it's done! I finally talked with this person, and it went well. Hopefully, as the new school year starts, things will continue on a positive note. I know I will be thinking about my actions and whether they are "Christ-like".
